GCCC Fees & Guidelines for Tree Removal
The Gold Coast City Council has clear local laws to protect trees from illegal removal or damage. You can complete their checklist to see whether your tree requires a permit by clicking the button below:
Vegetation Close to Property Boundaries
Damage to assessable vegetation can occur if it is within the following distance of a property boundary fence:
Distance to property boundary fence
On lots less than 4,000m2 - within 1.5m of the boundary
On lots between 4,000m2 – 7,999m2 - within 3m of the boundary
On lots 8,000m2 and greater - within 6m of the boundary
Note: The distance between the property boundary fence (existing or proposed) and the assessable vegetation is measured from the centre of the diameter of the tree’s trunk at ground level to the nearest edge of the fence foundations.
Where the fence has not been built yet, the proposed fence is to be constructed within 21 days of the vegetation damage.
Vegetation Close to Buildings
Damage to assessable vegetation can occur if it is within the following distances of approved buildings:
Distance to approved building on lots less than 8,000m2 - within 3m of the approved building
On lots 8,000m2 and greater - within 10m of the approved building
Note: The distance between the building and the assessable vegetation is measured from the centre of the diameter of the tree’s trunk at ground level to the nearest edge of the buildings foundations.
Fees for OPW Tree Works (Private Works)
Tree works not associated with a development application (1 to 3 trees) = $188
Tree works not associated with a development application (4 to 15 trees) = $362
Tree works not associated with a development application (16 and above trees) = $723
Updated for 2024-2025